22 de septiembre de 2013


In grammar, a clause is the smallest grammar unit that can express a complete proposition. A typical clause consists of a subject and a predicate, where the predicate is typically a verb phrase – a verb together with any objects and other modifiers. However the subject is sometimes not expressed; this is often the case in null-subject languages, if the subject is retrievable from context, but it also occurs in certain cases in other languages such as English (as in imperative sentences and non-finite clauses).
A simple sentence usually consists of a single finite clause with a finite verb that is independent. More complex sentences may contain multiple clauses. Main clauses (= matrix clauses, independent clauses) are those that could stand as a sentence by themselves. Subordinate clauses (= embedded clauses, dependent clauses) are those that would be awkward or nonsensical if used alone.

Independent Clauses

An independent clause (or main clause) is a clause that can stand by itself, also known as a simple sentence. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate; it makes sense by itself.
Independent clauses can be joined by using a semicolon or a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Denpendent Clauses

A dependent clause (or a subordinate clause) is a clause that augments an independent clause with additional information, but which cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses either modify the independent clause of a sentence or serve as a component of it. Some grammarians use the term subordinate clause as a synonym for dependent clause. Other grammars use subordinate clause to refer only to adverbial dependent clauses. There are also different types of dependent clauses, including noun clauses, relative (adjectival) clauses, and adverbial clauses.

Dependent clauses often begin with a a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun (see below) that makes the clause unable to stand alone.

 Subordinating Conjunctions
after although as because
before even if even though if
in order that once provided that rather than
since so that than that
though unless until when
whenever where whereas wherever
whether while why
Relative Pronouns
that which whichever
who whoever whom
whose whosever whomever

For example:
The door opened because the man pushed it.
Dependent clauses can be nominal, adverbial or adjectival.
A nominal clause (noun clause) functions like a noun or noun phrase. It is a group of words containing a subject and a finite verb of its own and contains one of the following: that | if | whether
For example:
  • I wondered whether the homework was necessary.
Noun clauses answer questions like "who(m)?" or "what?"

An adverbial clause (adverb clause) is a word or expression in the sentence that functions as an adverb; that is, it tells you something about how the action in the verb was done. An adverbial clause is separated from the other clauses by any of the following subordinating conjunctions: after | although | as | because | before | if | since | that | though | till | unless | until | when | where | while
For example:
  • They will visit you before they go to the airport.
Adverbial clauses can also be placed before the main clause without changing the meaning.
For example:
  • Before they go to the airport, they will visit you.
!Note - When an adverb clause introduces the sentence (as this one does), it is set off with a comma.
Adverb clauses answer questions like "when?", "where?", "why?"
An adjectival clause (adjective clause or relative clause) does the work of an adjective and describes a noun, it's usually introduced by a relative pronoun: who | whom | whose | that | which
For example:
  • I went to the show that was very popular.
This kind of clause is used to provide extra information about the noun it follows. This can be to define something (a defining clause), or provide unnecessary, but interesting, added information (a non-defining clause).
For example:
  • The car that is parked in front of the gates will be towed away. (Defining relative clause.)
Information contained in the defining relative clause is absolutely essential in order for us to be able to identify the car in question.
  • My dog, who is grey and white, chased the postman. ( Non-defining relative clause)
A non-defining relative clause is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. If you take away the non-defining clause the basic meaning of the sentence remains intact.
For example:
  • My dog chased the postman.
Adjective clauses answer questions like "which?" or "what kind of?"
An adjective clause functions as an adjective (modifies a noun or pronoun); an adverb clause functions as an adverb (describes a verb, adjective or other adverb); a noun clause is used as a noun (subject of a verb, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative or object of the preposition).
!Note - The difference between a clause and a phrase is that a phrase does not contain a finite verb.
Relative Clauses
A relative clause follows the noun it modifies. It is generally indicated by a relative pronoun at the start of the clause, although sometimes you can tell simply by word order. The choice of relative pronoun, or choice to omit one, can be affected by the following:-
Human or Non-human?
We make a distinction between an antecedent that is a human — who(m) — and an antecedent which is a non-human — which.
Who(m) is used when the antecedent is a person.
That is used to refer to either a person or thing.
Which is used to refer to anything exept a person.
  • I met a man and a woman yesterday. The woman, who had long blonde hair, was very pretty.
  • The man she was with, was the man that / who won the race.
  • The race was the one that I lost.
  • The man, to whom the winnings were given, was with the woman who was very pretty.
!Note - Whom is not used much in spoken English.
Restrictive or Non-restrictive?
Restrictive relative clauses are sometimes called defining relative clauses, or identifying relative clauses. Similarly, non-restrictive relative clauses are called non-defining or non-identifying relative clauses.
In English a non-restrictive relative clause is preceded by a pause in speech or a comma in writing, unlike a restrictive clause.
For example:-
The builder, who erects very fine houses, will make a large profit.
This example, with commas, contains a non-restrictive relative clause. It refers to a specific builder, and assumes we know which builder is intended. It tells us firstly about his houses, then about his profits.
The builder who erects very fine houses will make a large profit.
This second example uses a restrictive relative clause. Without the commas, the sentence states that any builder who builds such houses will make a profit.
Restrictive Non-restrictive
Human Nonhuman Human Nonhuman
Subject who, that which, that who which
Object who, whom, that, Ø which, that, Ø who, whom which
After preposition whom which whom which
Possessive whose, of whom whose, of which whose, of whom whose, of which

17 de septiembre de 2013

Passive Voice Exercises

PUT THESE TEXTS INTO THE PASSIVE: Remember to use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence, a stop sign (.) at the end and to use the correct apostrophe (') sign".
Remember also that intransitive verbs (arrive, go...) cannot be put into passive, so some verbs will remain active.
Some people saw a UFO in the sky above Madrid last Tuesday. They reported it to the police. The army sent a helicopter to have a closer look. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed the pilot. Some young people have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are investigating them at the moment.
Somebody has stolen a lady's bag near a high-school this afternoon. The students saw the robber and told the police. They are looking for him now. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the man as soon as possible.
Someone broke into a clothes shop last week. The owner was locking up the shop when a robber with a gun threatened her. The robber told her to open the door and give him all the money from the till. Then the robber tied the woman up. The police hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for shock at the local hospital.
Our school has organised a contest. Any student can participate. You have to design an environmental friendly object. All the pupils will vote and they will choose the best idea. The participants can also include pictures and drawings. The school doesn't allow any adult to help the students with the projects. The school will give the winner a set of books about nature.
Write a news report in the Passive using the notes below.
A small German village- flod- intense rains - last night. Fortunately many people - can- rescue.  However, most houses - destroy- the force of the water. Soldiers -already- send- to the village. The local sports centre- be used - as temporary shelter - for those who - lose their houses. Efforts- still- make to clear the village. Clean water, food and blankets- send- nearby countries in the next few days. Heavy rains -also- predict- next week. Any further news- give- to you as soon as it arrives.