10 de octubre de 2013

Identifying Independent Clauses Exercises

Identifying Independent Clauses [Logo]
After each sentence select the option that best describes the use of clauses in that sentence.

1. The doctor told Charlie to lose weight and exercise vigorously for forty-five minutes a day.
This sentence has two independent clauses.
This sentence has no independent clauses.
This sentence has one independent clause.

2. The doctor was worried that Charlie was putting on too much weight.
The section in blue is an independent clause.
The independent clause is "The doctor was worried."
This sentence has no independent clause.

3. Charlie has a hard time sticking to a diet; he really loves rich, sweet desserts.
This sentence has two independent clauses.
This sentence has one independent clause.
This sentence has no independent clauses.

4. In fact, the last time he tried to lose weight, he ended up actually gaining weight.
"he ended up actually gaining weight" is the only independent clause.
The section in blue is the independent clause.
This sentence has two independent clauses.

5. Charlie has decided to hire a personal trainer because he is worried about his heart.
The section in blue is an independent clause.
This sentence has two independent clauses.
"Charlie has decided to hire a personal trainer" is the independent clause.

6. His new personal trainer, whose name is Adriana Bongiorno, thinks Charlie may be a lost cause.
The part in blue is not an independent clause.
The part in blue is an independent clause.
This sentence has two independent clauses.

7. That she can make him do the exercises but not stick to the diet.
The part in blue is the independent clause.
This sentence has two independent clauses.
This sentence has no independent clause.

8. He is very good as long as Miss Bongiorno is around, but he goes to the freezer for ice-cream when she leaves.
This sentence has three independent clauses.
This sentence has two independent clauses.
This sentence has one independent clause.

9. Charlie must learn that eating all those sweets may give him a temporary pleasure but that it's not good for his heart and that he would feel better about himself if he stopped eating all those rich and sweet foods that are not good for him.
The independent clause has three words.
The independent clause begins with the first "that."
This sentence has several independent clauses.

10. Miss Bongiorno is starting to make a difference, though, and Charlie is starting to make some progress.
This sentence has one independent clause.
The clause following "though" is a dependent clause.
This sentence has two independent clauses.

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